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Lakshmi Rengarajan, connection expert: It’s easy to meet, but harder to connect

Lakshmi Rengarajan, connection expert: It’s easy to meet, but harder to connect

Lakshmi Rengarajan is a researcher specialized in human connections, exploring how romantic bonds and authentic relationships form. Through her project, „The Later Dater Today“, dedicated to people over 45, Lakshmi offers insight into how singles can expand their social circle and interact with others of…

It’s hard to see your children’s feelings if you are not seeing your own – says Dr. Jonice Webb, author of „Running on Empty No More“

It’s hard to see your children’s feelings if you are not seeing your own – says Dr. Jonice Webb, author of „Running on Empty No More“

What didn’t happen in your childhood can be as powerful as what did. Dr. Jonice Webb, clinical psychologist, realized some 12 years ago that symptoms masquerading for many people as depression, marital problems, anxiety or anger were, in fact, mislabeled signs of Childhood Emotional Neglect…

Priya Parker: Gathering Actually Shapes Our Lives

Priya Parker: Gathering Actually Shapes Our Lives

Priya Parker is a conflict facilitator, strategic advisor, international speaker, and acclaimed author of The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters. When the pandemic hit, she launched a beloved podcast Together Apart with the New York Times to navigate how we…

Maye Musk – What I Don’t Want The World To Know About Me

Maye Musk – What I Don’t Want The World To Know About Me

She’s a dietitian, author, model and entrepreneur. With an impressive life story, worthy of a real movie script, the protagonist of the #WhatIDontWantTheWorldToKnowAboutMe interview has dominated New York’s Times Square on giant billboards, but she also was a victim of domestic violence (and, as a…

James Withey Interview: Depression And Anxiety Are Best Friends

James Withey Interview: Depression And Anxiety Are Best Friends

One of the Pagina de Psihologie’s new publications is How to tell anxiety to sod off, a book signed by the British author James Withey. If the name sounds familiar it’s no coincidence, he’s also the author of How To Tell Depression to Piss Off…

EpicTalk with Rebecca Sears – We Are All Connected

EpicTalk with Rebecca Sears – We Are All Connected

Dear Rebecca, it is a great pleasure to do this interview in an important moment for the Imago community from Romania, when the book Doing Imago Relationship Therapy gets published and we celebrate seven years since Imago started its journey in our country. In 2015, Harville Hendrix and Helen…

Renan Pacheco – What I Don’t Want The World to Know About Me

Renan Pacheco – What I Don’t Want The World to Know About Me

This week’s guest on is an actor, model & social media influencer. Lately, he blew up Tik Tok with his viral videos parodying a stereotypical French man in L.A. Ladies and gentlemen (if you haven’t figured it out yet), we’re very happy and proud to introduce…

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