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This week’s guest on is an actor, model & social media influencer. Lately, he blew up Tik Tok with his viral videos parodying a stereotypical French man in L.A. Ladies and gentlemen (if you haven’t figured it out yet), we’re very happy and proud to introduce you to a genuine conversation we had with Renan Pacheco.

You are born in Sao Paulo (Brazil), raised in France and now living all around the world. Where you can call home, in this very moment?

Very good question! I have been moving every two years since I was born. It gets confusing at times to know what country I can call home but with time it became clear to me: Home is where my family is. Soat the moment it’s in France and Brazil.

You’re not an influencer, you’re a storyteller. What’s thedifference between these terms?

Influencing and storytelling are indeed two very similar terms and sometimes perfectly match. Someinfluencers decide to expose their personal life in detail and open about all their moods and feelings. It would be similar to a documentary. In my case, as I grew up from cinema, I chose the art of storytelling instead. So, I show only the positive and beautiful aspects of my life. I want people to look at my profileand feel good like we would in front of a nice movie!

Modeling, influencing and acting. What fits you most of them?

Acting for sure! I have been passionate about cinema since I was a little kid. I was 16yo on the day of my first audition and I got the job! Since then, I knew I was on the right path and my passion grew bigger and bigger every day. Influencing is my way of connecting with my audience and giving back through the best content I can possible produce.

You were nominated for the „People’s Choice Award”.  How did you feel, when you heard about it?

I felt a lot of gratitude! I am very thankful that I have a very warm and loving audience. Indeed, I receive positive comments and messages daily and it feels really good as an artist to be supported. Nominations and daily positivity are moments that show me that I’m on the right path.

What do you say to yourself when you look in the mirror?

Dare! Have fun! And stay true to yourself.

Have you ever been to a therapist?

Acting has been my therapy for the past 10 years. Using our past and our emotions for this craft has been truly helpful. In my point of view, it becomes art as soon as it heals us!


How do you relate to the war in Ukraine?

I feel heartbroken by any war that has ever taken place in this world. Violence will never be a solution to anything. I hope that in the near future our world will evolve to absolute peace. All of my friends and victims from the war in Ukraine have my absolute love and support.

What’s your biggest fear?

As long as my friends and family are safe, I am fearless.

How can you define your relationship with your inner child?

I have a very active and good relationship with my inner child. Indeed, every time we think something negative or downgrading about ourselves, we should imagine saying it to our inner child… This can dissuade us from having these thoughts. This exercise has helped me a lot to control my thoughts andmake them more positive and caring.

What bothers you the most about yourself?

My impatience! Indeed, I work very hard every day and I tend to want things to move faster. But every year I am maturing and becoming more patient. I am a work in process, and I will get there!

What was the most indecent message received in your DM?

Luckily, I have always had a really positive and loving audience and I am very grateful for that. I honestly can’t recall anything negative. I think it’s important to not take anything personally and evolve from anyconstructive critique!

What do you know about Romania?

I know it’s an extremely warm culture based on family and friendship values. All my Romanian friends areextremely down to earth and I know I can count on them. I wish to come visit soon!

Christmas is just around the corner. How does the perfectholiday look for you

To reunite with my family! Being in Los Angeles for my acting career is a blessing but I do miss my familya lot. For Christmas they will finally come visit me and we will travel a bit through the United States. I can’twait to hug them and catch up on life.

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